背景和目标:现有的医学图像分割的深度学习平台主要集中于完全监督的细分,该分段假设可以使用充分而准确的像素级注释。我们旨在开发一种新的深度学习工具包,以支持对医学图像分割的注释有效学习,该学习可以加速并简单地开发具有有限注释预算的深度学习模型,例如,从部分,稀疏或嘈杂的注释中学习。方法:我们提出的名为Pymic的工具包是用于医学图像分割任务的模块化深度学习平台。除了支持开发高性能模型以进行全面监督分割的基本组件外,它还包含几个高级组件,这些高级组件是针对从不完善的注释中学习的几个高级组件,例如加载带注释和未经通知的图像,未经通知的,部分或无效的注释图像的损失功能,以及多个网络之间共同学习的培训程序。Pymic构建了Pytorch框架,并支持半监督,弱监督和噪声的学习方法用于医学图像分割。结果:我们介绍了基于PYMIC的四个说明性医学图像细分任务:(1)在完全监督的学习上实现竞争性能; (2)半监督心脏结构分割,只有10%的训练图像; (3)使用涂鸦注释弱监督的分割; (4)从嘈杂的标签中学习以进行胸部X光片分割。结论:Pymic工具包易于使用,并促进具有不完美注释的医学图像分割模型的有效开发。它是模块化和灵活的,它使研究人员能够开发出低注释成本的高性能模型。源代码可在以下网址获得:https://github.com/hilab-git/pymic。
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在临床实践中,由于存储成本和隐私限制,通常需要进行分割网络在多个站点而不是合并集的顺序数据流上不断学习。但是,在持续学习过程中,现有方法通常在以前的网站上的网络记忆性或看不见的站点上的概括性中受到限制。本文旨在解决同步记忆性和概括性(SMG)的挑战性问题,并使用新颖的SMG学习框架同时提高以前和看不见的地点的性能。首先,我们提出一个同步梯度对准(SGA)目标,\ emph {不仅}通过对先前站点(称为重播缓冲区)的小型示例进行协调优化,从而促进网络的记忆力,\ emph {but emph {又增强了}的增强。通过促进模拟域移位下的现场不变性来概括。其次,为了简化SGA目标的优化,我们设计了一种双META算法,该算法将SGA目标近似为双元目标,以优化,而无需昂贵的计算开销。第三,为了有效的排练,我们全面考虑了重播缓冲区,以考虑额外的地点多样性以降低冗余。从六个机构中依次获得的前列腺MRI数据实验表明,我们的方法可以同时获得更高的记忆性和对最先进方法的可推广性。代码可在https://github.com/jingyzhang/smg-learning上找到。
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Large training data and expensive model tweaking are standard features of deep learning for images. As a result, data owners often utilize cloud resources to develop large-scale complex models, which raises privacy concerns. Existing solutions are either too expensive to be practical or do not sufficiently protect the confidentiality of data and models. In this paper, we study and compare novel \emph{image disguising} mechanisms, DisguisedNets and InstaHide, aiming to achieve a better trade-off among the level of protection for outsourced DNN model training, the expenses, and the utility of data. DisguisedNets are novel combinations of image blocktization, block-level random permutation, and two block-level secure transformations: random multidimensional projection (RMT) and AES pixel-level encryption (AES). InstaHide is an image mixup and random pixel flipping technique \cite{huang20}. We have analyzed and evaluated them under a multi-level threat model. RMT provides a better security guarantee than InstaHide, under the Level-1 adversarial knowledge with well-preserved model quality. In contrast, AES provides a security guarantee under the Level-2 adversarial knowledge, but it may affect model quality more. The unique features of image disguising also help us to protect models from model-targeted attacks. We have done an extensive experimental evaluation to understand how these methods work in different settings for different datasets.
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A storyboard is a roadmap for video creation which consists of shot-by-shot images to visualize key plots in a text synopsis. Creating video storyboards however remains challenging which not only requires association between high-level texts and images, but also demands for long-term reasoning to make transitions smooth across shots. In this paper, we propose a new task called Text synopsis to Video Storyboard (TeViS) which aims to retrieve an ordered sequence of images to visualize the text synopsis. We construct a MovieNet-TeViS benchmark based on the public MovieNet dataset. It contains 10K text synopses each paired with keyframes that are manually selected from corresponding movies by considering both relevance and cinematic coherence. We also present an encoder-decoder baseline for the task. The model uses a pretrained vision-and-language model to improve high-level text-image matching. To improve coherence in long-term shots, we further propose to pre-train the decoder on large-scale movie frames without text. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed model significantly outperforms other models to create text-relevant and coherent storyboards. Nevertheless, there is still a large gap compared to human performance suggesting room for promising future work.
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Solving real-world optimal control problems are challenging tasks, as the system dynamics can be highly non-linear or including nonconvex objectives and constraints, while in some cases the dynamics are unknown, making it hard to numerically solve the optimal control actions. To deal with such modeling and computation challenges, in this paper, we integrate Neural Networks with the Pontryagin's Minimum Principle (PMP), and propose a computationally efficient framework NN-PMP. The resulting controller can be implemented for systems with unknown and complex dynamics. It can not only utilize the accurate surrogate models parameterized by neural networks, but also efficiently recover the optimality conditions along with the optimal action sequences via PMP conditions. A toy example on a nonlinear Martian Base operation along with a real-world lossy energy storage arbitrage example demonstrates our proposed NN-PMP is a general and versatile computation tool for finding optimal solutions. Compared with solutions provided by the numerical optimization solver with approximated linear dynamics, NN-PMP achieves more efficient system modeling and higher performance in terms of control objectives.
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The task of reconstructing 3D human motion has wideranging applications. The gold standard Motion capture (MoCap) systems are accurate but inaccessible to the general public due to their cost, hardware and space constraints. In contrast, monocular human mesh recovery (HMR) methods are much more accessible than MoCap as they take single-view videos as inputs. Replacing the multi-view Mo- Cap systems with a monocular HMR method would break the current barriers to collecting accurate 3D motion thus making exciting applications like motion analysis and motiondriven animation accessible to the general public. However, performance of existing HMR methods degrade when the video contains challenging and dynamic motion that is not in existing MoCap datasets used for training. This reduces its appeal as dynamic motion is frequently the target in 3D motion recovery in the aforementioned applications. Our study aims to bridge the gap between monocular HMR and multi-view MoCap systems by leveraging information shared across multiple video instances of the same action. We introduce the Neural Motion (NeMo) field. It is optimized to represent the underlying 3D motions across a set of videos of the same action. Empirically, we show that NeMo can recover 3D motion in sports using videos from the Penn Action dataset, where NeMo outperforms existing HMR methods in terms of 2D keypoint detection. To further validate NeMo using 3D metrics, we collected a small MoCap dataset mimicking actions in Penn Action,and show that NeMo achieves better 3D reconstruction compared to various baselines.
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A major goal of multimodal research is to improve machine understanding of images and text. Tasks include image captioning, text-to-image generation, and vision-language representation learning. So far, research has focused on the relationships between images and text. For example, captioning models attempt to understand the semantics of images which are then transformed into text. An important question is: which annotation reflects best a deep understanding of image content? Similarly, given a text, what is the best image that can present the semantics of the text? In this work, we argue that the best text or caption for a given image is the text which would generate the image which is the most similar to that image. Likewise, the best image for a given text is the image that results in the caption which is best aligned with the original text. To this end, we propose a unified framework that includes both a text-to-image generative model and an image-to-text generative model. Extensive experiments validate our approach.
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